
The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson: review and more

In a previous post I told you about a website I had found, www.marksdailyapple.com which is Mark Sisson's blog about the Primal Blueprint lifestyle. I really loved the website but there is soooo much information on there (which is a good thing) that I just felt a little bit lost as a newcomer, looking for specific information on where to start. So I decided to get Mark's book, the Primal Blueprint to use as a starting point for what I hoped would be a new start, a new chance for finally succeeding in making that switch to a healthy life with a healthy and prettier body.
Now that I have read the book I would like to share my thoughts on it with you all. This is my personal opinion and I will try to explain it as best I can. If you don't like what I say that's fine, that is your personal opinion and we are all entitled to have one.

What I loved

The main thing I love about this book is its can-do attitude. It's really positive and makes some very simple but very important points. The ones that inspired me most were:
a, do not think about what you can't eat, concentrate on what yummy things you are going to eat and how much good these will do to your body and soul
b, forget about feeling guilty when you occasionally 'cheat', it happens to everyone, you can always make it right
c, do not be disheartened if you do not manage 100%. Strive for 100% and be happy when you achieve 80%, it is enough.

The second best thing is that this is not just about what (not) to eat. It's truly about your whole lifestyle, how to exercise, sleep, play, etc. It's not telling you what to do, it's telling you how to do it so that you feel happy and guilt free. And all this in a very sensible way, it doesn't feel like he is pushing it on you at all. You make your choices.

Another very good thing is that this book is very practical. It's clear Mark understands the everyday battles we have to fight against cultural, habitual things and how our friends and family heavily influenced by Conventional Wisdom (Mark's term, I love it) will often think we are strange or downright stupid ditching grains altogether or why we say jogging is not actually good for you. It really helps anticipating those situations and offers solutions for them, which I find invaluable.

The last chapter is great! It's basically just Mark's thoughts on the American lifestyle and how we should live instead, so it won't actually give you too much new information. But this is the chapter I enjoyed the most. Mark's enthusiasm is truly infectious and his personality really shines through the lines. It's impossible not to like him. He is like this cool guy in his fifties whose body twenty somethings envy, and at the same time he reminds me a bit of the mad scientist of a cartoon who knows a lot and is very warmhearted but also a bit nuts in the best possible way. 

What I didn't like

There is nothing about this book I particularly disliked. Mark explains the lifestyle differences of our ancestors from 10,000 years ago through a character called Grok, and the lifestyle of the current average American family through what he calls the Korg family. I have seen people complaining that this kind of representation is childish and annoying. I don't know. Yes, I would have been perfectly happy with what this book offers without these characters, on the other hand, they didn't bother me at all. As a matter of fact, I think they can help a lot in explaining the whole concept of the Primal Blueprint to children and teenagers for example or to the more visual type of person.

One thing that annoyed me slightly was the fact that the book was very obviously written for the American market. What I mean is it's full of data about the average American's lifestyle and their health problems, etc. Now, I am not American. Not even remotely. English is not even my first language. I feel that Mark could have attracted an even bigger audience if his references were a bit more universal. But again, it might just have resulted in the Americans being less enthusiastic about it, i don't know. I understand his reasons but the book would have been an even better read for me.

And finally, I wish he had talked more about the health-factor. I understand that obesity is probably the biggest (no pun intended) health problem in the US and the weight loss market is huge. It's enormous. So it's understandable that this is his main focus. But I think one chapter on other health issues the Primal Blueprint could improve would have been very useful. I mean things like most of the cancers, migraine, most of the cases of unexplained infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), heart disease, a host of digestive issues and even adult acne (he mentions some of these but not near enough I think). The list goes on and on and I don't think there is one person in the Western world who is not affected one way or another.

And more

I would very much like to thank Mark for writing this book . I feel so reassured and much more positive about this whole change. I am much more confident about succeeding because he has changed my way of thinking about my 'diet'. Instead of going into it thinking 'I hope I can manage these restrictions' and 'I mustn't be snacking' and stuff like that, all of which just set me up to failure, I am now thinking 'I will eat as many cashews as I want and that will fend off the sugar cravings' (and it does) and 'I will just make the change and the weight loss will follow' (and it will) and 'I can't wait to be in the body I always dreamt of' (and I will be in it soon).

Today has been day three, so I am still just beginning but there is a huge difference to the previous time and the one before and the one before that. I am feeling great, I am eating yummy things and I am snacking without feeling guilty. I don't care about the scales and my fatty bits hanging around anymore, because the scales don't matter and the fatty bits are going for good this time. My energy levels are much better already, I keep running around the house and the park with my kid and I am enjoying every minute.

I recommend this book from the bottom of my heart to everyone even just remotely interested and to all the sceptics as well. I would actually make it compulsory reading at schools and a lot of other places. Once you have read the book you will understand the basic principle and you will want to know more. And for more, just go to www.marksdailyapple.com You can actually order the book from there along with a recipe book. What are you still doing here, go get it! :)

I am not affiliated to Mark or his blog or his book, etc in any way and I do not benefit from you buying his book or other products either. The above is my opinion and nothing more.

Thanks for reading folks, I hope there is something you could take away from this :) 

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