
Day 1, let's start

I have to make the point that it is not my intention to explain what the Paleo diet is, what it is all about, etc. If you are interested, there is an awful lot of literature you can find on the internet and there are a number of great books that will tell you what you need to know about it. In spite of all that, I want to give you an idea of my aproach to it, so this is how it is going to go.

What I am not eating/drinking:
Anything with wheat in it (bread, pasta, pizza, etc)
Dairy products (milk, joghurt and the sort)
Sugary stuff (drinks, cakes, buscits, etc)
Potatoes and rice

So what the hell can I eat?
Well, all the rest, that is meat and fish and vegetables and fruit and nuts.

There are a few things that you are not supposed to eat on a strict Paleo diet that I am still having because without these it would just be overly too complicated to cook anything or to fend off the occasional craving for something naughtily sweet. These are:

cheese and soured cream for cooking, rye flour and honey for baking and frankfurters for breakfast

I would also like to point out before I share with you my secret of how much I weigh (show me a woman who would be comfortable with that!) that I DO NOT think I am fat. This whole diet is about getting back to the shape I am comfortable with, the weight I was at for years. I certainly do not want to be overly skinny, what would my hubby be holding onto then?  :D
In addition to losing some weight this diet is also to keep me healthy and fit. I have a condition called hyperinsulinemia which can easily develop into diabetes and which also comes with a very hectic blood sugar level making me feel dizzy and lacking energy to do anything apart from watching telly. It is very important for me to keep my blood sugar level steady in order to remain healthy and the best way to do that is to avoid food with high glycemic index. So this is just the best possible diet I could do. If you have any kinds of health problems listed under the so called 'deseases of civilization', I would urge you to look into this diet in depth, it can make all the difference.

But enough of the talk, let's get down to business. I am 168 cm tall, and weighed in at 60.9 kg this morning before breakfast. My goal is to get down to 55-56 kg, which is a small weightloss of 5-6 kg and roughly one dress size. I should about manage to reach my goal in about a couple of months or less, I will keep you posted and share some recipes now and then as well.

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